Road Cycling in Cuba: Bacuranao (video)

By Edgar Glaría Espinosa and Cinthya Jimenez Labrador


HAVANA TIMES – Our intention is to show little-known beautiful places where tourists rarely go on their visits to Cuba.

In this video we show you Bacuranao beach, the first of the beaches to the east of Havana. We provide information about the place, as well as showing the trip on the road to get there. We include explanations and maps showing in real time where we are going.

We start on the road called “Monumental”, then travel on the “Via Blanca” highway, which is the one that leads to the beaches to the east of the Cuban capital. Upon reaching Bacuranao it is totally deserted, because visiting the beaches is prohibited at this time because of the pandemic.

See more videos on Havana Times.

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