China-Cuba Economic Agenda Progresses

HAVANA TIMES — Cuba and China are making progress on the development of a medium-term economic agenda, said the island’s first deputy minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Orlando Hernandez, speaking today in Beijing, reported the Prensa Latina news service.

The deputy minister’s visit to China began with his participation in the 7th Chinese Business Summit with Latin America and the Caribbean, held on 17 and 18 of this month in the city of Hangzhou.

Hernandez noted that the agenda has been taking shape in the course of exchanges of delegations between the two countries “and we’re putting the finishing touches on this so that it can be signed by our two governments.”

The Cuban delegation hosted a meeting today at its’ Beijing embassy. Participating entities included the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the Agency for Investment Promotion, development banks and Eximbank, as well as business representatives from China’s nickel, transportation, oil, energy, basic industries, and biotechnology industries.