Cuba Gob. Rejects French Report

HAVANA TIMES — The Cuban embassy in France expressed its criticisms of the recent news report “Cuba, fiesta, debrouille et interdits” (Cuba, Partying, Jerry-rigging and Prohibitions), aired on Sunday by the French channel M6.

“The journalist [Bernard de La Villardiere] only mentioned the imperfect side of the system. Wouldn’t it be fair to mention the other side?” responded the official statement released in Paris the next day.

According to the Cuban embassy, the limitations of the report are clear since there was no reference to the longstanding US blockade against the island or the ongoing the reforms being made to the island’s economic system.

In addition, “Fidel Castro and other leaders [were painted] in a negative and disrespectful light,” complained officials.

The televised report was blasted by personalities and organizations in that European country that work in solidarity with Cuba, such as the coordinator of “Residentes Cubanos en Francia,” who appeared on the program “Enquête Exclusive.”