Oscar Arias: “Nicaragua is a Dictatorship in All Dimensions”

Oscar Arias. Photo: 100% Noticias

By 100% Noticias

HAVANA TIMES – The Former President of Costa Rica and 1987 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Oscar Arias, assured that in Nicaragua there is a “dictatorship in all its dimensions.” He said that Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo became the “owners” of the Nicaraguan State and turned the Sandinista Revolution into a “nightmare” by persecuting all dissident voices.

“Democracy has disappeared. Only a few fanatics defend the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo. A democrat from the left or the right must recognize that Nicaragua is a dictatorship in all its dimensions, where the separation of powers has disappeared, the leaders of the opposition are political prisoners and corruption has taken over the State,” expressed Arias during the forum “Elections 7/11, Nicaragua, an illegitimate process.”

He added that “the dream of the Sandinista Revolution ceased to be a chimera to become a nightmare, where being an opponent of the regime entails persecution, prison and in many cases even death.”

The ex-president recalled that in 1986 he told Daniel Ortega that he hoped he would build a new Nicaragua, but he replied: “what I am clear of is that I am not going to build a second Costa Rica.”

Arias, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to pacify Central America, recalled the ideals of the region’s Peace Plan, which was based on respect for human rights, holding periodic and pluralistic elections, and creating democratic institutions for social stability.

“With the reelection of Ortega in 2006, the controls on the exercise of power began to disappear again and the limits to that power were blurred. This deterioration was more visible in the fraud of the 2008 municipal elections and the obviously unconstitutional efforts of Ortega, to remain in power after 2021 with an illegitimate election in November,” Arias said.

Arias assured that “Nicaragua’s backsliding” is a wake-up call to defend democracy permanently, especially at the moment when threats are detected, since later “it may be too late.”

“In Nicaragua there are elections, but opposition parties are eliminated. Freedom of expression or of movement is restricted. The armed forces adhere to official power and there is nothing of electoral formalities. The existence of an electoral court and the ritualistic exercise of suffrage are manipulations and a means for the totalitarian system to disguise itself as democracy. It is a farce,” said Arias.

In the virtual forum that took place in San Jose, participated international analysts and representatives of human rights defense organizations that have denounce violations in Nicaragua.

With information form EFE.

Read more from Nicaragua here on Havana Times.

2 thoughts on “Oscar Arias: “Nicaragua is a Dictatorship in All Dimensions”

  • Armel please go live in Nicaragua – give up your country’s citizenship and become a Nicaraguan citizen. If you see anything, I mean anything that you disagree with in Nicaragua, peacefully protest publicly – or better yet, wear a Nicaraguan flag. Let’s see the outcome – you won’t be so willing to defend Ortega (assuming you survive the torture or violent rapes in Ortega’s jails – yes all these things documented, do a simple search).

  • If Daniel Ortega is a dictator then he is a very good one. He has my votes.

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