Pope to Donate Facsimile of ‘Geographia’ to Cuban President

HAVANA TIMES, March 23 — Pope Benedict XVI will be giving a facsimile of the book Geographia de Tolomeo to Cuban President Raul Castro during his visit to the island, according to the program of the Press Office of the Holy See, reports the Europa Press.

This is a faithful reproduction of the manuscript containing the Latin version of Geographia de Tolomeo, which was written in the second century by Lacopo d’Angelo Scarpenia.

In addition, the Pope will give a golden rose made of silver and gold to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre figurine during his visit to its shrine in Santiago de Cuba. He will also donate a chalice and a chasuble to the St. Basil the Great Seminary and to Cardinal Jaime Ortega.