Rape Survivor Who Sparked #MeToo Mvt. in Australia

responds to Prime Ministers apology

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – In Australia, former government staffer and rape survivor Brittany Higgins said she wanted to see more action, as she slammed the apology offered this week by Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison for her attack and the culture of sexual abuse in Parliament. Last year Higgins accused a former colleague of raping her inside a minister’s office, setting off a major reckoning at the highest levels of Australian government. She spoke earlier today at the National Press Club in Canberra.

Brittany Higgins: “What bothered me most about the whole ‘imagine if it were our daughters’ spiel wasn’t that he necessarily needed his wife’s advice to help contextualize my rape in a way that mattered to him personally. All he could do — and that’s how he realized it was a bad thing. I didn’t want his sympathy as a father; I wanted him to use his power as prime minister.”

Read more news here on Havana Times.