Search Results for: Aurelio Pedroso

Cuban Agriculture… What a Shame

I have read in our national press that drones will soon be used in farming, a technological privilege which very few developed countries in this world have, and I couldn’t help but think about two people: the mythical Don Corleone and my friend Tania.

Russia-Cuba Relations, Back to Old Times?

The Russians have returned to Cuba again but this time with a different face just like that character Melquiades in Garcia Marquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude” who appears in Macondo, after being absent for many years, with a beautiful smile that is the result of a denture.

My Mistake on Entrepreneurship in Cuba

I feel I have the moral obligation to publicly confess my mistake. And I’m not embarrassed at all because this often happens in this profession, when you are navigating through these waters which, on occasions, demand foresight.

Havana’s Miramar, Also Without Water

Along with the break and reparations of an important main pipeline that supplies water to this capital with its almost 20 municipalities, seriously felt in the day to day by its inhabitants, a faulty valve on 60th St. also knocked out the water supply in Miramar. .