Search Results for: Aurelio Pedroso

About Fish, a Duck and Acts of War in Havana

In Havana’s Miramar neighborhood, the local population in the area known as La Puntilla, had been warned days ago by the municipal government and Communist party, that they would hear loud explosions and bursts of fire on Sunday, as they were going to simulate a landing here where the sea joins our not very mighty Almendares River.

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Prices and other Horror Stories from Cuba

There isn’t a time in the day here in Cuba when we don’t have to look at our wallets with sadness or up at the heavens. Our baseball players normally do the latter when they hit a home run, they lift their arms and eyes up to the infinite heavens, thanking God Almighty, when they haven’t ever stepped foot inside a church.

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Cuba’s Hoarders, On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

“This problem is related to food, which is considered a national strategy, and doesn’t seem to ever bear its calming fruits for one reason or another, which is economic, the crisis, the lack of resources to ensure a steady supply of what we need to send food down the esophagus into the stomach and not via TV announcements.”

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