Eroticism in Havana’s Villa Panamericana

By Nike

HAVANA TIMES – Psychologists have not been the only ones to contemplate the subject of eroticism. Artists have also delved into its richness. This has been a challenge for creators.

This exhibition I now invite you to is called “Eroticism: A retrospective”, which is a project from the “Erotic Graphics” exhibition, which was inaugurated at the experimental Graphic workshop in Old Havana, in August. There is still a week more to go see it.

The exhibition also includes engravings, paintings and pastel drawings, with artists from different generations showing us their understanding and interpretation of erotica, a very personal show.

The artists are:

Dania Fleites, Guillermo R. Malberti, Angel M. Ramírez, Norberto Marrero, Ricardo Silveira, Nelson Villalobos , Almikar A. Rodríguez Zamora.

I invite you to visit this exhibition which I’m sure you’ll enjoy because there’s a great deal of talent and authenticity.

It will be on display until the end of November.

It is being exhibited at the Mariano Rodriguez Gallery in the Villa Panamericana neighborhood, in Cojimar, Habana del Este, Habana, Cuba, on the ground floor of 28 78th Avenue, between 5th A and 5th.

See more galleries from Cuba here in Havana Times.


I was born in Havana, Cuba. All my life I have had the sea as a landscape. I like being close to it, feeling its breeze, its smell, as well as swimming and enjoying the wonders it gives us. Thanks to the manual skill that I inherited from my parents, I have been able to live off crafts. I work primarily papier-mâché, making puppets for children. I write for Havana Times for the possibility of sharing with the world the life of my country and my people.