Long Exposure Photography in Havana

Photo Feature by Ernesto Gonzalez Diaz

HAVANA TIMES – Photography is about managing light to capture a piece of reality. Long Exposure photography is a technique that allows moving objects to leave a luminous trail, achieving a very visually attractive effect.

To do this, it is necessary to look for shutter speeds between 1/10 and ¼ seconds, that is, the lens diaphragm is open between 10 and 25 tenths of a second, the time in which an object or subject moves, leaving a visible trail of light. which can sometimes seem somewhat surreal or ghostly. It is also advisable to use an exposure level that is as neutral as possible and an ISO of 100.

However, note that in each image there is something perfectly focused and sharp, which may well be a static element of the scene or a moving element as long as the photographer has achieved a minimum movement of the camera that synchronizes with the movement of the element of the scene, which can be a vehicle, a cyclist or a person walking.

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2 thoughts on “Long Exposure Photography in Havana

  • What is camera art for one person is not “arty” or interesting for another.

    Nevertheless, everyone is entitled to express themselves freely in this Havana Times forum appropriately entitled – “open-minded writing” and in this specific exposure: open minded photographic art – like it or not.

  • Please no more blurry, camera tipped at an angle photos. It’s not “arty” or interesting.

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