The Arches of Havana

Photo Feature by Irina Pino
HAVANA TIMES – In a dwelling with arches, I spent part of my youth. The house belonged to Francisco, a boy from our group of friends. Almost every night we gathered there, after strolling through a clean, calm, and illuminated Vedado. When we could wander in the early hours of the morning, without fear and with complete confidence.
In that house with arches, we used to talk, eat, have parties, and read poems. Life had innocence and gave us back beauty.
Buildings with arches are very solid and balanced in terms of load distribution; yet they are also cool and let light pass through.
If we look closely, this type of design is one of the oldest, as it is over six thousand years old. Arches can be admired in churches, museums, bridges, residences, and even in catacombs.
There are various types of arches, depending on their geometric function: rectilinear, angular, circular with a single center, semicircular, segmental, horseshoe, Cordovan caliphate, carpanel, rampant, etc. Likewise, there are other non-circular arches, and within these, those with two centers. In short, each arch, by itself, can be a work of art, to delight our eyes.
Here are some images for you to enjoy the arches that abound throughout Havana, sometimes without us even noticing them.