The Urban Unites Us, the City Differentiates Us
“I speak of the city, shepherd of the centuries, mother who gives birth to us and devours us, who creates and forgets us”. -Octavio Paz

Photo Feature by Ruber Osoria*
HAVANA TIMES – I wander the streets of the Bio Bio region (Chile) and I take portraits of strangers, with a narrow and futile scope of my photography, like the lives they represent, like the lives of almost all of us.
But I look for the hint of transcendence in the evanescent and the assiduous, in ephemeral gestures and glances, in transitory moments of connection in the urban flow, in the fleeting dance of lights, colors, shadows and human presence.
In short, my photographs are traces of a transitory joining of photographer and context, me and the other.
The urban unites us, the city differentiates us. Shipwrecked in the flow of the subsistence of the metropolis, I seek to capture the infinitesimal exterior signs of an interior emotional life of people, even amid the most public spaces.
*Ruber Osoria is a Cuban photographer currently living in Chile.
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