Ariel Glaria

The Russians in Me

Russian culture, which I consider one of the most original, great and generous cultures in humanity and which I had the great pleasure to discover at a very young age in Gogol, Dostoyevsky, Ivan Turguienev, Tolstoy, Chekhov and others who have charmingly brought me closer to the Russian spirit or soul…

The Russians in Cuba

The 1962 Missile Crisis, which put the world on the brink of a nuclear war, was the prelude to the presence of the Russians in my country for several decades. I bring you a picture story of the legacy. (94 photos)

Havana, Architecture and Urbanism

The visual impact of the magnificent 18th century fortifications, don’t take away from the more powerful image we have of the overwhelming eclecticism of entire blocks in Old and Central Havana, packed with old buildings.(36 photos)

Cuba’s New Scapegoat

As if it were a new phenomenon, social indiscipline has become the comfortable limits of a critical message which has been non-existent for too long now, and has found, as if it never existed before, in today’s circumstances, its scapegoat: Private Enterprise.

My First Encounters with Santería

Like childhood’s many other discoveries, which occur simultaneously, I was invited for my first time to a Yoruba* ritual drumming party when I was 9 years old and found myself alone in front of a santera.