Elio Delgado Legón

Peaceful Revolution Will Prevail

The victory of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela (and resulting positive changes for his people) was an example followed by other leaders such as Evo Morales in Bolivia, Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua and other leftist and nationalist governments that have clearly shown where that path lies.

Cuba’s Economy Progressing, Despite Obstacles

The enemies of the Cuban Revolution never tire of repeating in any and every way they can — even in social networks — that Cuba’s economy is a disaster, the socialist system has been a failure, the revolution has destroyed the economy, etc. All this is a colossal lie.

Cuba’s Children, Among the Happiest

The story of children in Cuba during the revolutionary period begins with a dark chapter: “Operation Peter Pan,” organized and financed by the CIA and implemented with the complicity of some Catholic priests and Falangists.

A Unique Opportunity for Change in the USA

The above title was the same one I used for a short commentary I wrote in November 2008, just days after Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. Today, he enters his re-election campaign — after four years of doing what he shouldn’t have done and not doing what people hoped he would do.

The Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Cuba

Many aspects caught my attention during the recent visit by Pope Benedict XVI to Cuba. I was impressed by the warm welcome given to him by the people, who spontaneously came out to greet him along the route from Antonio Maceo Airport to his destination in the city of Santiago de Cuba, and two days later in his farewell in Havana en route to Jose Marti Airport.

Cuba’s Undeniable Democracy

In Cuba, the political system is organized so that there is no need for parties, propaganda or money to win an election. Any citizen from among the people who has prestige in the community where they live can become a deputy to the National Assembly.

Silence Around the Cuban Five

An important part of the mass media campaign of lies directed against Cuba is that of complicit silence so that people don’t learn the truth about various issues related to our socialist country.