G. Isabelle Abad

“The Companion” Premieres in Cuba

The Companion, the Cuban film which has been critically acclaimed worldwide, will premiere today, September 6th, in Cuba. It is a story that takes place in Havana in 1988, when the Cuban government was taking severe measures to try and control the AIDS/HIV epidemic.

Shooting Papa Hemingway in Cuba

Directed by Iranian-American, Bob Yari who produced notable films such as The Illusionist and Oscar-winning Crash, the movie faced many hurdles in order to be filmed in Cuba. Yari overcame obstacles due largely in part to the limitations of the U.S. embargo against Cuba. According to Yari, 90% of the film crew was Cuban, and 95% percent of the movie was filmed in Cuba.

New Rules for US Citizens Wanting to Travel to Cuba

The US Department of Treasury and Commerce announced historic changes today to the travel regulations sanctioned by the Cuban Assets and Control Regulations (CACR). These amendments have further expanded on the previous loosening of restrictions for US citizens to engage in travel to Cuba, and take part in trade and business with Cuba.