Ivett de las Mercedes

Orthopedic Shoes, a Necessity in Cuba

Orthopedic shoes are essential for anyone who suffers from foot problems. In Cuba, there are serious shortcomings in this service: a lack of resources, outdated designs, delays in arrivals. Roxana Alonso Cruz (33 years old) has a son who wears orthopedic shoes. 

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Another Take on Racism in Cuba

Talking about racism here is like opening Pandora’s box. Antonio Morales (45 years old), economist at a budget office, believes that in Cuba there are many racist displays, like in any other country, some of which are covered up in subtlety while others are completely stark.

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Adoption, a Tough Problem in Cuba

Talking about adoption isn’t very common in Cuba, there are very few children who meet the requirements for this process, and it has been a real torture for 32-year-old Lourdes Casas Gomez, who is still waiting after many years.

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Havana’s Public Restrooms, a Story in Itself

In Havana, a densely populated city, finding a public restroom is an odyssey. There aren’t enough for the constant stream of people who are either wandering about, going to or coming home from work. I met Rita Carmona Solis, 54, one day that she was desperately looking a place to empty her bladder.

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