Author: Rosa Martínez

Some Things About Cuban Mothers

In Cuba, women are normally courageous. And, it’s not a matter of them being more courageous than other women in the world or anything like that; but the thing is, here they have no other choice but to be brave, because if they aren’t, they won’t be able to give their children a decent life.

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Leaving the Nest One Day

A few days ago, my younger daughter (my loyal companion) and I wanted to visit some very dear friends of ours. Vain as she is, she decided to put on one of her best outfits; but she had quite a surprise…

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What’s Life Like in Cuba?

A friend called me from Canada asking how things were here, especially in my Guantanamo. In love with Cuba, and its people, he is up-to-date on our beloved Island’s current situation and knows about the food shortages that have increased in recent months and the uncertainty that takes over many families’ lives.

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Maria Magdalena Shares Her Woes

Maria Magdalena is a woman over 60, and she lives in my neighborhood, a few blocks away from my house. Our friendship began in a long line at the butcher’s, when she was heatedly arguing with the butcher about the weight of the piece of chicken she was buying…

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Reencounter with a Lifelong Friend

Daniela and I have been great friends ever since we were children. She came to my school in fifth grade, in the middle of the academic year. I remember it as if it were yesterday: her extremely skinny body was like that of a starving child I would see on TV, but her blond, long hair and small, beautiful face reminded you of a fairytale princess.

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