Author: Dimitri Prieto-Samsonov

Fixing the System: ‘Dabblers’ in Cuba

I don’t know what the title means in that language, but those cartoons from the late 1970s and early ‘80s — popularly known as “Los Chapuceros” (The Dabblers) — are still able to generate smiles and laughter from many of us here.

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The Olympic Flame in the Wrong Place

When the TV announcer explained that the man — covered in camouflage and wearing a beret — had just come down on the site where the British Crown Jewels are guarded, I recalled my visit to that very same tower.

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Paul McCartney Turns 70

There was a time when the Beatles were censored in Cuba, though today their songs are almost a part of the “official discourse.” Perhaps to someone of the heroic epoch of that Liverpool band, it was a group that was never surpassed – and that someone would probably be right.

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The Death of the Blog

Blogs — this one, or any other one — bark into cyberspace.One can go with their laptop to a rare place in Havana where they can catch a WiFi signal. For example, Karl Marx Park, where we protested against capitalism.

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Squatting Isn’t a Crime

Cuban TV surprised me again, this time with a report on Spain. It was about people there who sometimes have to commit a crime: the illegal occupation of dwellings.

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Cuba TV Shows Taboo Topic

An especially interesting feature appeared on the evening TV news in Cuba on June 5th. A reporter was trying to find out “on the ground” how prices were being set in hard-currency stores in Havana.

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