Author: Elio Delgado Legon

My First Battle in Cuba

The first battle I waged against Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship involved, not firearms, but the pen: I wrote a journalistic article and, unaware of its implications, sent it to the COCO radio station in Las Villas, which had a rather outspoken program that defended the interests of the working class.

Cuba’s Coal Merchants, Before and After

Recently, I have read news reporting that Cuba now exports thousands of tons of charcoal to Europe at a fairly good price (and that the demand for this product is growing in the old continent) with a mix of happiness and nostalgia.

Distorted News About Cuba

To my surprise, I came across a piece of news in Havana Times that was originally published by DPA, an article dealing with the murder of four men at a farm near Baracoa beach, in the Cuban province of Artemisa. The facts presented are completely distorted…

Cuba’s Hemingway Museum, a Bridge of Friendship

There are many examples of how people from Cuba and the USA interact and collaborate with each other in various fields such as science, culture, medicine and sports. It occurs despite the fact that US governments have tried numerous times to prevent contact between the two peoples. (30 photos)

The Business of Counterrevolution in Cuba

“This is my livelihood, kid, this is my livelihood!” This phrase, spoken by renowned “dissident” Ricardo Boffil while being interrogated at Cuba’s State Security Department expressed the essence of counterrevolutionary activity in Cuba: a business that allows one to live well without having to work.

Cuba and its Physical Therapy Centers

Faced with the reality of an aging population in Cuba as a result of the increased life expectancy, which is already close to 80 years, the Ministry of Public Health decided some years ago, to establish a Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center in each of the country’s polyclinics.

Cuba’s Strength In the Face of Aggressions

The US leadership doesn’t realize that Cuba isn’t just any old country, that Cuba experienced a revolution that united the people around their leaders and that young people in Cuba are no longer illiterate and know the difference between truth and lies.

Cuba May 1st Workers Parade in Pictures

Cubans turned out in mass for the annual International Workers Day parade in Havana on Thursday. Organized by the Communist Party and the CTC, the only trade union allowed on the island, it emphasized labor’s blanket support for the government. (42 photos)

The Significance of April 9 for Cuban History

The history of Cuba is loaded with heroic deeds, episodes in which Cubans have risked their lives to defend the freedom and dignity of their people. The path stretching from the Spanish conquest to our day has been paved with the blood of martyrs. (23 photos)

Cuba Updates its Health Care System

Boasting health statistics above all other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (and even the United States), Cuba’s healthcare system has achieved world recognition and been endorsed by the World and Pan-American Health Organizations and the United Nations.