Author: Nonardo Perea

A Unique Havana Wedding Performance

We’re united by the same desire to open up people’s eyes, those people who in the 21st century still don’t understand that human beings, all of us, are individual beings and therefore, different, both in the way we think and our sexual preferences, the way we dress. (10 photos)

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Theft on the Go

A few days ago, I had arranged to meet up with a colleague from Havana Times in Vedado. When I got onto the P-9 urban bus, I was lucky enough to sit next to the driver’s assistant who remained seated next to the window edge.

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Public Art Intervention in the Czech Republic

During my time in Prague for a course, one of my class assignments was to hold a public art intervention so that we could then edit a video. For over two hours, our Cuban rhythm touched people on a busy promenade and infected everyone who was there who joined in the fun.

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Luncheon Meat Is Here!

It was still morning when one of my neighbors came announcing that luncheon meat had arrived at the butchers. It’s custom here that somebody always notifies the rest of us about what has arrived at the bodega stores (where they sell rationed items).

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The Neighborhood Representative Is Tired

All of my neighbors were summoned to one of those neighborhood nighttime meetings that we have every once in a while. Generally-speaking, I almost always go because I´m interested in knowing how things in our community are going.

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What if Fidel’s Death Was True?

There are a lot of people who fantasize saying that Fidel Castro is dead, however, we all know that this isn’t true because, from time to time, the media shows us images of this man alive and kicking.

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The Worst Things about Capitalism

I’ve drawn up a small list which could have been endless, in which I’ve written down the worst things I’ve seen about capitalism. Please take note that I use the 12 days I spent in the Czech Republic as my reference, the only capitalist country that I have had the opportunity to visit.

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