Author: Yenisel Rodriguez

Buying Candy from the Teacher

Snack time had come to a school located on the periphery of Havana. With it, the astonished students observed how their teacher — from one moment to the next — transformed into an efficient vendor of sweets and candy.

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Faith in the Promised Land

On a giant screen there unexpectedly appeared the unforgettable Consuelito Vidal making an appeal for hope for the Cuban people, and in the foreground the word “faith” was highlighted in red.

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Footwear Blues in Cuba

Dressing in the latest fashion has ceased to be a problem for me, but I still remember how it tortured me as a teenager when I wasn’t able to at least sport a pair of shoes that were only a few months out of style.

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Why Not Eat Free Croquettes?

The last Havana International Trade Fair took place last month, yet I still remember what happened to me the day of its closing, which was when most people have access to the week-long event.

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Havana Scenes (III)

Cubans are ever-increasingly breaking the silence barrier and expressing their collective disquiet. I was a recent witness on a packed bus when a collective burst of laughter signaled the approval of a politically risqué account that an old man tossed out.

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Havana Scenes (II)

My uncle and a friend were waiting to be served coffee at the Café Habana. As the waiter was serving them a man in a plaid shirt suddenly picked up the two cups of coffee and claimed them for his own.

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