Author: Caridad

Those Who Are Leaving Venezuela

Yesterday, I bid farewell to my best costumers: a young couple and their 9-month daughter. I did three photo shoots for them: during her pregnancy, after the baby was born, and later for the child’s baptism.

A Mad Trip to Venezuela’s Gran Sabana

When I turned 30 something last year I got a trip as gift. Since I don’t enjoy tours organized by others, my friend and I set off on an adventure in southern Venezuela, that paradise of feminine beauty known as La Gran Sabana (The great plain). (48 photos)

Caracas Does Not Believe in Pictures

Caracas is not a pretty city. The only thing that keeps people from going completely mad is the Waraira Repano (or Mount Avila) that hugs almost the entire extent of the capital. A light rain is enough to flood the city’s streets and make them look like weeping virgins. (46 photos)

Things I Learned in Venezuela in 2014

In December, we all like to talk about or at least think about our plans for the coming months, about what we achieved or left behind during the year that comes to an end. This may have something to do with the unconscious need to be re-born: to let what we were die in order to become others, new, better and more evolved.

Our Blog Havana Times Turns Six

Six years ago, a friend of mine called me and asked me: “Would you be interested in letting a yuma (gringo) use your photos?” Put that way, it sounded awful. Immediately, however, he gave me a more serious explanation.

The Holy Art of Photography on the Diabolical Internet

I still remember the discussion regarding the Internet my father had with a woman. It was heated, as all my father’s discussions tend to be. I don’t recall – nor does it really matter – what the lady had said, but she had backed an opinion saying she had read about it on the Internet. (12 photos)

Unexpected Happiness in Venezuela

I haven’t felt the inclination to write about my experiences among Venezuelans for some time now. When one’s happy, you see, one tends to forget everything else. And I couldn’t be happier, because, in addition to the joy I always feel, I now I have the joy of feeling right at home, feeling as though I were in Cuba, that is.

Saving a Cuban Soldier

I have never been interested in seeing the film Saving Private Ryan, but a week ago I must have felt something similar to what was experienced by those who were involved in the rescue of that soldier.