Author: Caridad

Photography in Cuba, the Beauty of the ‘80s

To be a photographer is the dream of thousands of people, a dream they don’t always choose to realize. Obstacles sometimes get in the way, be it the expensive nature of the art, or the person’s lack of real talent or their not having enough humility to learn from those who preceded them.

The Cane Lady

The taxi stops for a woman who flagged it down. She’s old, though it’s hard to say how old – but she’s got to be over 75. She’s carrying a cane with some colored ribbons wrapped around it. But what catches one’s attention even more is her overly bowed leg, probably from birth.

I Want Some Coca

Buying it already processed is not the same as growing it, if they are so afraid of it. If we negotiate petroleum with Venezuela, why not negotiate coca with Bolivia?

Cuban Witches, Broomsticks and Moths

Last night I was visiting at the home of one of my co-workers. We had some coffee with cinnamon and suddenly — like out of a Hitchcock film — we heard a piercing scream. The woman of the house had discovered a “bruja” in her bedroom.

A Mission in Havana

That is the private world of my neighbors. They have stopped being themselves — if at some time they ever were — to enter the lives of characters who they have in front of them, those who appear on TV or on some DVD

Cuba Triumphs

Up until last week, several of my friends were waiting for the final outcome of the national volleyball team in one of those championships. I like volleyball, but it’s all the same to me if the Cuban team wins or not.

Living Under the Table in Cuba

Not having one’s own home or money to rent one usually complicates relationships even between heterosexuals, but when this is the case with two women, it becomes all too comical.