Business & Economy

Protein Rations for Havana August 11-17

We present the list of rationed protein products that Havana residents can purchase with their ration booklets in their neighborhood bodega stores during the week from 11 to 17 August. The portions are distributed by month on a rotation basis in 15 municipalities of the capital.

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The Potential Success of the Reform Process in Cuba

An analysis about the possible success or failure of the reform process taking place in Cuba was the focus of discussions during the first plenary session of the XXIV Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE). The three-day event, which began on Thursday at the Hilton Miami Downtown, was attended by hundreds of industry professionals, including many Cubans from both shores of the Straits of Florida.

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Cuba: The Road to Prosperity

I want to begin this post sharing with you my joy over some recent news: Cuba’s National Assembly (Parliament) convened recently and one of their conclusions is that the island’s economy continues to slow down.

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