Graham Sowa’s Diary

Moving Cuba toward “Socialism of the 21st Century”

“Socialism of the 21st Century” will be the legacy of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Cuba should continue to take cues from this new flavor of post-capitalist governance and embrace new atheistic appeals of Socialism. Here I present a few ways Cuba can get a move on re-branding its somewhat dated style.

Keeping Up with Fads in Cuba

The British Flag fad started sometimes late last year. Now the Union Jack is part of the Havana landscape, adorning everything from human bodies to car antennas. After a 250 year absence the British have returned to Cuba.

How Cuba lets us use new technology in old ways

iPhones, Blackberrys, laptops and all kinds of “pads” are becoming more commonplace in Havana. This new generation of personal electronics are full of the latest apps, movies, TV shows, and news programs. This is happening with less than 5% of the population connected to the internet.

The Misery of Poverty in Cuba (Part 2)

In the first part of this piece I asked if Jean Marat and the “misery of poverty” were alive in present day Cuba. For the second part of this piece I’m going to explain why I think Jean Marat is alive, even though much as been done to remove “misery” from poverty.