Mercedes Gonzalez’s Diary

Life’s Many Surprises

As a physically challenged person, I’ve seen many things, and many haven’t been so good. If we add the time I’ve been a member of the Cuban Association for the Physically Impaired (ACLIFIM), dealing with people who, like myself, endure motor disabilities, addressing their social, material and even spiritual needs, we could say I’ve basically “seen it all.”

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Thanks to My Country’s Healthcare System

A few months ago, I had to be hospitalized because of several fractures in my left ankle and metatarsus, as well as my chronic condition (spastic paraparesis). I had lost all mobility in my legs, my sense of balance and muscle strength.

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The Pope’s Visit: A Pretext for Inefficiency

All human beings, no matter what class we belong to, make an effort to give a good first impression when we have guests over at home or in our country. We try to make our guest feel as welcome as possible. Last month, we had the privilege of having the Pope visit us.

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On Cuban Alimony

I recently filed an official petition requesting alimony from my child’s father. I didn’t want to do it, and I thought it about a lot before making my decision – but I finally went ahead and did it. I only turned to justice when I had no other option.

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Cuba’s Special Badminton Games: The Medals

I swear that, when I started training, I did so mainly to stay in physical and mental shape. In addition to giving us discipline, sports often surprise us. One is amazed at what one can accomplish through the challenges that a routine throws our way.

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A Much-Awaited Sporting Event

The opening ceremony was simple but nice. The qualifying session was stressful, as whether one played on or not depended on it. Those responsible for assessing our performance were judges from Spain, Canada, Switzerland, China and other countries.

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