The Havana Seawall – Photo of the Day
The Havana Seawall. By Brian Okiec (USA). Camera. Olympus E-M10MarkII
The Havana Seawall. By Brian Okiec (USA). Camera. Olympus E-M10MarkII
Before Aleman & Ortega sealed their pact in 2000, the most recent one had been between Anastasio Somoza and conservative Fernando Aguero in 1971.
Organizations that lost their legal status since a year ago, maintain their projects and goal of holding power accountable in Nicaragua.
Merry Christmas, San Miguel de Allende, México. By Ken Edwards, (USA). Camera: iPhone 8
It’s a matter of keeping what was endorsed in the new Constitution and everyone who supports the Cuban government, in line with their way of thinking.
I look at neighborhoods and understand why I’m not even a little impressed by the images of recently bombed cities in the news: I’ve seen it all here.
In the category “Sculptures & Monuments”, of the initial 54 photos submitted we are down to 7 for the final round of judging.(7 photos)
At the U.N. climate summit in Madrid, 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed world leaders Wednesday.
Nicaraguan human rights organizations denounce “restructuring” of paramilitary groups, in addition to torture and rape in prisons.
If men had periods, at least the first day would be declared a holiday. I don’t know about other women, but I hate working the first day of my period.