Yusimi Rodriguez

Havana: Uniting Peoples through Food

If you want to try something different and experience a wider range of tastes, head over to El Burrito Habanero (“Havana Burritos”), at the intersection of 23 and G streets. The restaurant was recommended to me three years ago by a fellow blogger. We interview the owner Javier Martinez. (16 photos)

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Theater: A Young Cuban’s Lifeboat

I tried to commit suicide. I was studying computer sciences at a technical institute and didn’t want to be there, I felt I was drowning. I don’t know what would have become of me without the theater, explains Adonis Milan. (22 photos)

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An Unusual Bishop Interviewed in Cuba

What could surprise me after seeing a Catholic nun with polished fingernails and toenails, who was going to take part in the May 9th Gay Pride Parade of the Cuban Campaign against Homophobia, wearing her habit? Well, I guess only a Catholic Bishop who would also march in the parade with his habit and his… husband.

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The Story of a Cuban Survivor

Two hours into our first meeting, I knew that Frank is gay; is a composer and a writer; was nearly successful at suicide; is the father of two children; and has AIDS. His relationship with the disease is like a marriage: it’s been with him for 24 years, the same time that he’s been with his partner Tony.

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A New Documentary Not to Miss

After the triumph of the revolution, when Hilda Oates was a woman over thirty, she was able to enroll in an acting course. With much work and sacrifice, she would become one of the greats of the Cuban stage.

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Cuba has More Democratic Potential than Germany

When I thought about interviewing Tobias and Stefan, two young Germans from the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany) who were in Cuba on a visit, I expected that they would see Cuba as a mirror of what might have been their own future and express their joy at the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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Cuba: reasonable doubt or blatant racism?

On Saturday, October 18, I waved down a collective taxi to head home from the upscale Vedado neighborhood. I got in next to the driver, since three other people already occupied the back seat. In the neighborhood known as Sports City, a woman got in next to me.

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Interview with Diario de Cuba Editor Pablo Diaz

Diario de Cuba was born at a Starbucks in Madrid in 2009. Its creators, Pablo Diaz (editor in chief) and a group of Cuban journalists, artists and intellectuals, wanted to develop a forum that would contribute to public and democratic debates among Cubans, beyond the issue of human rights.

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Cuba: Tearing Down Barriers (Part II)

I conducted the first half of this interview in 2012, a few months after meeting my interviewee for the first time. His partner, my friend Michel, had described him as being homophobic, complaining that, even though they had a relationship, they never went out together. Being seen with Michel, who claims he didn’t come out of the closet because he was never in it in the first place and is proud of his sexual orientation, embarrassed him.

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The Human Voice of the Classical Guitar

Christina Sandsengen is a 27-year-old Norwegian guitarist, with an impressive resume in classical guitar, an instrument she was introduced to at the age of 15. Her Barbie-looking photo on the cover of her CD had made me see her as a sophisticated, almost cold, woman quite different from the sensitive, thoughtful person I had the chance to interview.

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