Search Results for: Osmel Almaguer

World Baseball on Cuban Television

Cuba’s Beisbol Internacional (“World Baseball”) sports show has been on the air for some months now and we have not yet seen one of the many Cuban baseball players now in the major leagues on TV. Mere coincidence?

My First Book Gets Published in Cuba

I am 34 and about to have my first book published. I’ve been in this writing business for 17 years, struggling to get ahead, trying to get my foot in the door here and there, and the truth is that it hasn’t been easy.

The Cuban Passion for Baseball

Good or bad, Cuban baseball continues to awaken the heated passions of sport fans. This is especially true during a post-season involving Havana’s Industriales team, the “emblem of Cuban baseball”, as people have become used to saying.

Topsy-Turvy Cuba: On Lien y Rey’s Music

The pieces of Lien and Rey always seem to be impelled by the need to express something, and that “something” is never trivial. The voices of the two performers fuse perfectly and achieve a whole range of interesting tonalities, gaining and losing volume in step with the momentum of each song and driven by the search of a peculiar sound.

Cuban Rap Band Kamankola’s First Album

Before it’s outlawed, music and talent will continue to find ways to reach us. Before it’s outlawed, Cuba’s Kamankola project – created and led by rapper Jorge Lian Garcia – will continue to bring us irreverent pieces. “Before It’s Outlawed” is precisely the title with which Lian has christened his first record.

Alamar, Havana’s Dog Cemetery

Some time ago, I recall having written about my neighborhood’s dog cemetery, a stretch of land at the outskirts of Alamar where residents had, of their own will, begun to bury their dead pets, a place that had been vandalized by insensitive people and institutions.

A Cuban Sports Hero Retires

A Cuban taekwondo giant said farewell to the sport some weeks ago. I am referring to Angel Valodia Matos, Cuba’s first Olympic champion in the discipline. He looked happy before the cameras, expressing his gratitude for the tribute paid him by the people and authorities of Holguin.

Our Personal Space in Cuba

A kid was playing with his soccer ball near the spot where we were waiting in line to buy bread. Not far, his parents kept an eye on him while they talked. The ball flew very close to me several times but the kid’s parents never said anything to him.

No Facebook or Gmail

For about two months now we haven’t been getting Facebook or Gmail at the Pabellón Cuba internet locale. The people using the facilities – offered free to members of the Association Hermanos Saiz – are worried and don’t know what is happening.