Kabir Vega Castellanos

Cuba: Dead Poets Island

Though the issue of school brings me unpleasant memories, I watched and enjoyed the film Dead Poets Society. I liked it even more than La Educacion Prohibida (“Forbidden Education”), one of the best documentaries about education I’ve seen.

I Still Prefer Cuban Television

A while ago, I watched some television at the home of a friend who has a satellite dish. Though I already had some sense of what American television was like, I was surprised by the dizzying and irrational pace of the programming. In the middle of a TV series, I was bombarded with three commercials.

The Education I Was Denied in Cuba

One of my high school buddies came to see me a week ago. He brought me up to date on what’s been going on in my former classroom. Of the things he told me – mostly unimportant details about school life, like the fact some people we knew are no longer in the classroom – two things surprised me some.

A Tiny Ray of Hope

My current situation is not exactly something I can be proud of: I dropped out of high school. However, I have no regrets. My opinion about university today is nothing like the one I had while I was still in primary school. I may not materialize the dreams I had then, but I will set new goals for myself.

The Height of Stupidity from a Cuban’s Perspective

Recently, a video recording of the final match between the world’s best Dota 2 teams sparked off a discussion with some friends of mine. I’ve never liked this strategy game all that much and was initially drawn to it by the excitement it seemed to awaken in others. The only thing it inspired in me, however, were criticisms. (9 photos)

Who Are the True Animals?

Since my early adolescence, I have been more aware about what goes on in the world around me. One of the things I’ve seen in Cuba is that human development has had a destructive impact on the lives of animals.

School Is Not Synonymous with Education

I recently saw a documentary expressing opinions on education. But whose opinions were these? The teachers themselves. I wish that many children and young people in Cuba could see it. It reminded me of all my old feelings, as I realized the objective cruelty of school.

Digital Adventures: Computer Games in Cuba

I’m a big fan of video games. But only the ones where there’s strategy involved. I’m not interested in that car racing stuff and I hate games with a military theme. I played my first game when I was two, that’s what my mother says. The mouse was huge in my tiny hands but my eyes were glued to the screen.