Pilar Montes

Cuba’s Elderly Pose a Challenge

“The Cuban population is falling in absolute terms and this intensifies its aging process,” demographer Juan Carlos Alfonso Fraga, explained. Emigration, especially of young adults, is the main reason for this population decline, which accentuates the low number of child-bearing age inhabitants.

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“Racism and Violence, a Perverse Relationship”

A song by Cuban pop duo Buena Fe goes: “And that woman with bruises will say she slipped in the wind, I fell in the sea, goes back to the kitchen to hide tears behind onions.” There are updated stats in Cuba about physical and psychological violence not only against women and girls, but also against boys and men, although to a lesser degree.

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Cuba Faces Lingering Medicine Shortages

In June 2018, the list of available essential medicines in Cuba was short by 45 drugs, according to Public Health authorities. However official sources say that shortages today aren’t as serious as they were last year,

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Cuba 2018: Change is Pressing

Nearly 60 years after the Cuban Revolution, this higher educated and more healthy people are asking that the principle of “change whatever needs to be changed” be applied in this life and not in the life that believers hope will come after death.

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The Antidote for an Uncertain Future

Mafalda, this precocious and intelligent girl who appears in cartoons, already said it: “the future today isn’t what it used to be.” The future is something that worries everyone: young people and the elderly, rich and poor people.

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Depression, the “Silent Epidemic” Also Attacks in Cuba

A recent medical event in Havana and particular indicators I picked up on in TV programs and social projects, stirred my curiosity about the impact of depression in Cuba. In Latin America, Brazil is the country with the highest level of depression, followed by Cuba, Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay.

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Cuba: Small Slithers of Change Towards Progress

Within the internal and external setbacks which the Cuban people have experienced in the last 60 years, physical and mental changes are being seen in language and daily tasks which make the most optimistic of us see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

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