Ron Ridenour

US-Cuba Policy Change Suits US Interests

The United States of America, the global policeman, is “changing its relationship with the people of Cuba”, as President Barack Obama put it. With this announcement of a resumption of diplomatic relations after John F. Kennedy severed them January 1, 1961 we need to evaluate what is behind it and what is positive and negative.

Cuba to Support Sri Lanka at UN over War Crimes

High Commissioner, Navi Pillay, of the Human Rights Council (HRC) will introduce a resolution at its 25th session (March 3-28) recommending that Sri Lanka promote reconciliation and accountability with the minority Tamil people. Cuba is expected to vote against the resolution.

Sri Lanka Found Guilty of Genocide against Tamils

A panel of 11 judges, experts in international law, former UN officials, and peace and human rights activists, found Sri Lanka guilty of genocide at its December 7-10, 2013 hearings in Berman, Germany. The unanimous decision was taken after hearing over 30 witnesses, including Tamil victims, and experts.

Cuba Hosted Sri Lanka Pres/War Criminal

“Cuban President Receives Counterpart from Sri Lanka” read the Prensa Latina headline of June 17. The agency reported that the four-day official visit by President Mahinda Rajapaksa was at the invitation of President Raul Castro.