Lynn Cruz’s Diary

Actuar Agency Ratifies my Censorship

When you face this bureaucratic apparatus, which Hannah Arendt would describe as being led by individuals who are unable to think, one realizes that in fact, it is a trivial and overly robot-like person that is unable to see that I am just another human.

Theater in the Name of Freedom

Like the feeling you have when a baby you’ve been longing to have finally arrives, I was overcome by the same emotion after Patriotismo 36-77 made its debut. More than half a year went past until it could finally hit the stage.

Scientist Ariel Ruiz Urquiola: “Conscientious Objector”

Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, a scientist who was a professor at Havana University, which he was expelled from because of his ideas, came under the public eye after he held his first hunger strike, as a form of protest because medicines were missing which his sister Omara Ruiz Urquiola needed as part of her cancer treatment.

Fear of Change in Cuba

Ever since I adopted a life philosophy of facing my own external fears (in this case, Cuba’s socio-political system), I have noticed how many people I love and acquaintances project their fear of change, perceiving me to be an enemy.

Epidemics in My Old Neighborhood in Matanzas

I’ve been indebted to the December 2nd Neighborhood for a while now, which is located in Gelpi, Matanzas province. I arrived in this unfinished neighborhood when I was seven with my parents after a difficult experience which marked all of our lives forever.

Making a Movie in Cuba with Porno para Ricardo

Last Saturday, we filmed a new scene for the movie Corazon Azul by Miguel Coyula. This time, we went to the Playa neighborhood in the capital where Paja Recol is located, a recording studio and Gorki Aguila’s home, leader of punk-rock band, Porno para Ricardo.