
Nicaragua: UNDP Strongly Refutes Ortega’s Accusations

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) “strongly and categorically” condemned the accusations leveled at “the UNDP and its personnel” by the government of Daniel Ortega via a communiqué issued by the Nicaraguan Foreign Ministry and addressed to embassies, international organizations and cooperation agencies accredited in Nicaragua, where the UN organization is said to be developing acts of “political interventionism” to “finance political groups” and to “distort” the country’s development data.

Nicaragua: “A Transparent Judicial System Is Important for Investment”

“Basically, international investors – including those from the US – look for several things from the countries where they wish to invest. One of them is the rule of law: they want transparency and a solid judicial system. They also want to see market opportunities like the ones Nicaragua enjoys thanks to the free trade treaty with the United States,” said Robert Manogue.

Zika Virus Revives Abortion Debate in Nicaragua

The appearance of Zika in Latin America has placed all the regional health systems on high alert, especially since the virus in pregnant mothers is associated with congenital malformations and microcephaly. In countries such as El Salvador and Nicaragua, where the laws prohibit the interruption of pregnancy for any reason, the epidemic projected by the World Health Organization (WHO) has revived the debate on abortion.

Nicaraguan Prisoners: From the Cell to the Stage

A strong smell of garlic permeated the Pilar Aguirre Theater. Someone was atoning for their guilt by crushing entire heads of this plant with their feet, with such force and precision that the cloves were scattered across the floor. The man behind this calamity had no face, but the movements of his body spoke of deep pain.