Warhol P.

An Initiation to Santeria in Cuba

I’ve known Leosnel Aguilar Padron for more than ten years. I never suspected he would one day become initiated to Santeria. I found out days after he’d gone through the ritual, and I found it so curious I decided to ask him some questions about it. When I arrived at his house, I found him in the company of his Oyirbona, Ambar del Carmen, the person who must be present at all of the initiation ceremonies. She joined our conversation.

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Cuba: The Time That Flies

While reading an international magazine, I came across a quote by Confucius that caught my attention: “In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.” I spent the better part of the night awake, thinking of these words.

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