Author: Nonardo Perea

I Love Prague!

In spite of not having much time to get to know it very well, I got to walk along the Charles Bridge, take in the Vltava River, touch its frozen waters with my hands and, for the first time in my life, feel free. (8 photos)

Prague Awaits Me

Ever since I found out that I’d been selected to study an intensive video course in the Czech Republic, my life has turned around 180 degrees, in terms of thinking…

Have I Been Marked?

Once again, I’ve experienced censorship and barriers firsthand in my career as a writer, I won’t go into my experiences as a photographer, filmmaker or performance artist, because this time I’ve been stabbed in the back because of my writing.

Waking Up with the Rolling Stones (Video)

I’d like to share with you a video I recorded with my phone of what happened the day I got to see a band of excellent musicians. Yes, it’s true we were able to go to a free concert, but that doesn’t nourish us, it just keeps us entertained.

I Finally Have a Mobile Phone

I’m glad to say it, but it also worries me and scares me, because having a mobile phone in Cuba is a luxury and not a necessity. Many of you will know how much a mobile phone actually costs here in our country…

My Day against Homophobia

This year, I noticed that, despite having been denied much publicity on television, as is habitual in our socialist country, the number of people who attended the rally was a bit greater than in previous years.

Cuba After Obama’s Speech

I’m a homosexual and there was a time in my life, during my adolescence, when I went through rather unpleasant experiences. I would cry a lot at the time and ask myself why there were people who attacked me for the simple fact of being different.