Graham Sowa’s Diary

Havana Rotary Club’s 100th Anniversary

We are on the doorstep of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Havana Rotary Club, which had its first meeting on April 29, 1916. The Havana Rotary Club was actually the first Rotary Club to be founded outside an English speaking country.

Cuba’s Personal Jesus

Che Guevara, Camilo Cienfuegos and Jesus Christ. Albeit temporarily, the Christian Savior is the third person to be immortalized on the side of a building (in this case the National Library) in the Plaza de la Revolutión.

Cuba’s Public Health Policy: Past Present & Future

“Public health in Cuba is not a priority…,” my public health class teacher had finally said something that brought me back from daydreaming “…it is an obsession”. After two years of clinical work in a Cuban hospital being back in a classroom learning public health theory is somewhere between mind numbing and infuriating.

Another American with a Drone Arrives in Cuba

All of a sudden my cheap-o remote control “drone” and I were shuffled over to the customs declaration desk where I was promptly told it would be confiscated. So much for the aerial shots of Parque Lenin, the Botanical Gardens and the Malecon at night I was hoping to put on YouTube.

How US Citizens Can Travel to Cuba Now!

Here’s some good news for United States citizens wanting to travel legally to Cuba. Even though US based airlines still have not hashed out their plan of operations on the island don’t let that stop you from going as soon as you feel fit. There are many ways to do so.

A Big Surprise from Obama

This week President Obama surprised us with the inevitable: he put in motion what is sure to be a long and arduous 180 degree turn of U.S. foreign policy toward Cuba. Here in Havana I came to the quick conclusion that Cuban media outlets were caught completely off guard.

Cuba Earning from Education

When the history of how Cuba entered the globalized marketplace is written healthcare will be the principal protagonist. Entering the international medical education marketplace and the dynamic use of human resources in healthcare has become the most globalized feature of the Cuban economy.