Irina Pino’s Diary

Good Grades and Unwanted Degrees

Everyone in Cuba knows that there aren’t enough degree programs for pre-university students. Young people are hopeful, but often their dreams never come true. Plans nipped in the bud and not only for those who are at the bottom of the ladder.

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Attractions, Surprises, Deceptions

I was watching the famous US TV sitcom Sex and the City for the second time and I began to analyze my own thoughts on sex and the way I have accepted it in my life. In one episode, they were talking about a “sex buddy”, someone who you only need to have orgasms, as their company otherwise might not lead to anything else, as well as being boring.

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What’s Going On with Lenin Hill in Regla, Havana?

I have visited the city of Regla, across the bay from Old Havana, on many different occasions. It’s a municipality with various places that hold its history; Lenin Hill figures among these: the first place where tribute was paid to Vladimir Ilich Lenin in Latin America. (10 photos)

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Change and paralysis

A friend of mine who has been living in the United States for years now, laughs and tells me that I live in a static country, that nothing changes here, and that if it does, it only changes ever so slightly because there is a paralysis that prevails, setting us in stone, resigned.

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Flashes of Old Havana II (Video)

Walking through Old Havana, losing yourself in its squares, museums, stores, cafes, popular fairs stirs new emotions, a hodgepodge of places which have a signature, a scent, like the breath that precedes a story.

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Flashes of Old Havana I (Video)

With its eclectic architecture, the oldest part of the city invites visitors and locals to walk through it, fall in love with it. No eyes are distracted, no feet rest. Not addressing its legacy would be futile.

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Marriage and Convenience

It’s common for married people to get tired of each other after living together for so long and for passion to dwindle. It’s normal: these are the stages of love. Hopefully you’re left with affection, common ground and friendship.

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