Luis Rondon’s Diary

A Gay Cuban Bids Farewell

A few weeks ago, I wrote several poems and I reveal my feelings and determination in one of them to not form part of a reality that has been killing me slowly. I thought that I would never have to leave my country, but life, and my actions…

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Joke of the Day

Last Thursday at 3 PM, somebody knocked on my house door. Who is it at this time of day? I asked myself, curious, as I’m not used to receiving visits at home at this time in the afternoon.

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Another Water Crisis and My Possible Solution

I thought that my activism had resolved the water problem on my block, but when the problem is just as bad or worse, I thought that maybe it was hurricane Irma’s fault. It’s been more than a week now since this precious liquid hasn’t come to my home.

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Proposal to Help the Cuban People

As a result of the serious damage that Hurricane Irma has inflicted on our country’s infrastructure, it’s imperative that the government keep the Cuban people’s needs in mind. Here are some suggestions.

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Havana Post-Irma and What’s on the Horizon

Havana has begun to recover. Some areas already have electricity and parks with WIFI connections have begun to fill with people, except for Havana’s Malecon seawall area because all the antennas were removed there in anticipation of the winds and sea surge.

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