Goodbye 2021
I’ll have a light dinner, watch a movie, & light a candle to ask for health & harmony. At 12, I’ll throw a bucket of water from the balcony.
I’ll have a light dinner, watch a movie, & light a candle to ask for health & harmony. At 12, I’ll throw a bucket of water from the balcony.
While children sing, striving to comply with the script imposed by the government for the perfect Christmas, Nicolas Maduro sings his speech.
Rocco & Frida met over two years ago. They clicked so well that they knew from that moment onwards, nothing would ever separate them.
In June of this year preparations were prepared in all Mayarí neighborhoods to vaccinate the entire adult population, however….
She’s ten years old and she’s no longer the little girl that came to my daughter’s birthday party one year, holding her mother’s hand.
An official from the company I work at came and told me a few weeks ago that it was “my turn” to keep guard the following day…
President Nicolás Maduro boasts of being a “workers’ president.” Meanwhile, he keeps hundreds of workers & trade unionists in his jails.
If the country doesn’t change, children today will be the ones to put the final nail in this Dictatorship’s coffin…
After so much time at home for the health crisis, many places have begun to offer service. I wanted to go spend a few hours in Old Havana…
President Diaz-Canel just told members of the Pastors for Peace caravan that there aren’t any political prisoners in Cuba, a boldface lie.