Photo Feature

Interview: Cuban Painter Ileana Mulet

One of the greats of Cuban visual arts today is Ileana Mulet. She told us: “Two places were the “school of life” for me. One was being an interior decorator for the tourist industry for over seventeen years, and the other was working as a costume designer for television for five years.” (8 photos)

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Theater project: The Man Who Wasn’t There

The La Franja Theater Project recently concluded its performances of the play “The Man Who Wasn’t There”, a text belonging to the young Cuban playwright Liliam Ojeda. The show featured the artistic direction of Anaysy Gregory Gil. (19 photos)

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Victor Pellegrini Plays Havana

Victor Pellegrini, the Argentine guitar virtuoso, offered a beautiful concert recently at the Pablo de la Torriente Brau Centro Cultural in Havana, performing pieces by composers from Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina , Ecuador and Venezuela. (16 photos)

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Sports, the Right to Art

The gallery “Espacio Abierto” (Open Space), located in Havana’s Vedado district at the headquarters of the magazine Revolucion y Cultura, is celebrating the holding of the 2012 Olympic Games in London with the exhibit El Deporte, derecho del Arte (Sports, the Right to Art). (10 photos)

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Chavez Campaign Closes in Caracas

Despite the heavy rain, the vast majority remained in the street soaked, with music, flags and slogans, looking forward to seeing the caravan led by Chavez, who they hope will be reelected for a new six year term on Sunday October 7. (88 photos)

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Santa Clara, Ten Years Later

I returned to Santa Clara Province after a ten year absence, yet the city remains as beautiful as when I was there for the wedding of my best friend from college. I’ve always said the best thing about that place, right in the center of the island, is its people. (24 photos)

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Venezuela Opposition Candidate Closes Campaign

Directing their message at President Chavez, opposition crowds chanted “you’ve got one week left” and “you can smell and feel Capriles as president.” The event was the closing in Caracas of the campaign of opposition candidate Henrique Capriles. Chavez will close his campaign on Thursday. (72 photos)

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Caridad’s Photos at the Chaplin Theater

It’s not the first time that Caridad had thought of showing her work in an exposition, but for different reasons it never came about. “Why spend so much in the preparation of a showing of my photos?” was the question that the HT photographer had always asked herself. (24 photos)

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Cuba’s Danay Suarez Concert in Casa

R & B and Cuban rap singer Danay Suarez singer gave a memorable concert Friday Sept. 21 at the Casa de las Americas in Havana. She was accompanied by her group of musicians and guests including jazz musicians Roberto Fonseca and Michel Herrera and rapper Elian Brebaje Man. (28 photos)

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