
US Sanctions Four Top Ortega Officials in Nicaragua

The US Treasury Department issued new sanctions on Friday against officials of the Ortega-Murillo government in Nicaragua. This time they punished the president of the Parliament, Gustavo Porras; the Minister of Health, Sonia Castro; the director of telecommunications (Telcor), Orlando Castillo; and retired general Oscar Mojica.

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What’s Ahead for Nicaragua after Ortega’s Self-Amnesty

With his self-amnesty, Ortega admits the dictatorship’s responsibility for the massacre. In doing so, he can’t erase his own responsibility as Supreme Police Chief, nor that of the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity, because according to international law justice for such crimes cannot be proscribed.

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US Halts All Flights to Venezuela

US authorities will suspend all passenger and cargo flights from the country to Venezuela, citing unrest in the Latin American country. The move was ordered by the US Department of Transportation on Wednesday, saying unrest appeared to be taking place around airports and threatened the safety of crews.

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Nicaragua: Civic Alliance Awaits Release of Political Prisoners “Without Any Delay”

The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy demanded on Thursday that the Government of Daniel Ortega free “without any delay” the political prisoners, as a sign of the “good progress” of negotiations to overcome the crisis that the country lives, while more civil society groups, relatives of political prisoners and peasants continue to distance themselves from the negotiations with the dictatorship, just as the students did on Wednesday.

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