Yusimi Rodriguez

African Tradition of Women’s Hair Braiding in Cuba

Researching the Isle of Youth’s traditions back in 1981, Maria Cristina Eduardo came across something that really struck her, even though it didn’t form part of what we could call “Isle of Youth’s popular culture”: the way that teenagers from different African countries who came to study in Cuba at this time were braiding their hair.

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Your Love Doesn’t Bother Anyone, Your Hate Does

In less than a month, the 99% Cubano Design Store alongside the Afro-Cuban Alliance, Acepto and El 68 va campaigns, as well as other projects and Facebook pages, have come together to hold another “Dame tu Pulover” (Give me your T-shirt) event in support of same-sex marriage.(8 photos)

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Cuba in the Eyes of an African American

Fred Thomas III, my friend Kirenia and I were sitting in a small cafe in Regla, one of those privately-owned places that some ordinary Cubans can afford, as long as you don’t expect to eat the best quality pizza or sandwich. We were three black people wearing casual clothes…

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