Ivett de las Mercedes

A Pigsty on Havana’s San Nicolas Street

Located on San Nicolas Street in Central Havana, San Judas Tadeo church is suffering social and state indolence, like many other institutions are. As I write, a garbage dump is growing on one of its corners. Dalia Echemendia, one of the neighbors, tells us about the sad situation.

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Alarm Bells

The human body is a perfect machine which is why we can’t turn a blind eye to its signals. Early prevention ensures you live. She didn’t know how to listen to her body and had a fever on and off in the evening/night for a month, which left her weak.

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From Cuba: A Partner for those Latter Years

Reaching 64 years with a good quality of life, in the company of someone you love, with new projects, isn’t very common. The elderly in Cuba get by with a thousand things they need to “resolve” every day, and plus they are victims of prejudice from people who question their utility in society, their understanding and even their sexuality.

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Yeney, a Cuban Physical Therapist

In Cuba, physical therapy cannot be limited to a series of procedures and techniques. Yeney Guevara Garrido, 34, works at a rehabilitation center belonging to the Havana municipality of Cotorro. She studied this degree thanks to a call for students who had graduated high school. She is currently getting ready to pick up studying again.

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A Cuban Farm Co-op Member and Her Quest for Answers

Esmeralda Rojas Soto, 65, belongs to a cooperative in the Artemisa Municipality. She has been rearing cattle for 40 years now and she sells them to the National Meat Company. Like many other farmers, she has experienced discrepancies with the manager of the slaughterhouse when it comes to the weight of her cattle.

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Ernesto Jose: between Prison and Freedom

Ernesto Jose Reyes Morales is 45 years old and he was in a prison in Quivican, located in Mayabeque province, in 2001. He was charged with misappropriation of funds and he had to serve this unfair sentence. State resources, in the area that he was responsible for, disappeared.

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An Unforgettable Day in Perico, Matanzas

On March 24th, in the town of Perico, Matanzas province, there was a fire which destroyed seven homes completely and two homes were partially damaged. There weren’t any fatalities or people injured. Here’s what happened.

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Suicide Is Not the Answer

Maria Teresa Alvarez Martinez tried to take her own life when she was 23 years old. In Cuba, suicide is closely linked to wishes of wanting to be independent and thinking differently, not being accepted, being discriminated against or bullied.

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A Shoe Shiner in 21st Century Cuba

Jorge Luis Torres (42 years old) is the only shoe shiner in the Candelaria municipality and he has been working ever since he was 14 years old. A friend taught me in 1990. It’s a job I enjoy and people are happy with what I do.

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Elena Guzman Works at Night

Many professionals are still asking themselves why security guards earn more than them when they had to study for years; and as a result of the existing financial crisis, some have left their jobs to become security guards.

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