Ivett de las Mercedes

Paco, a Fighting Champion

Francisco Vila Flores (Paco) is 73 years old, is one of the founders of Cuba’s National Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired, An avid reader, he feels fulfilled with his work as the editor of Braille reading books.

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Abuse Isn’t only a Beating

This year, I was invited to take part in the Pinar del Rio carnival celebrations. There was a healthy and festive atmosphere in spite of the suffocating heat and the exorbitant prices of food on offer at kiosks.

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A Cuban Lover of Time

Alberto Santiago has been a clock engineer ever since he was 8 years old; “I learned the profession alone. I like the mechanism in Soviet alarm clocks, in clock-towers, pendulum clocks and watches.” Now 61, he knows his profession extremely well. He lives in Rio Hondo in Cuba’s western Artemisa province.

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Elderly Cuban Woman Struggles on a Fourth Floor

Ten years ago, Alfreda Alfonso Martinez (80 years old) was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, a serious disease which is defined by high concentrations of blood glucose over a prolonged period of time or is a chronic condition. She used to work at the hairdressers in Candelaria; she was forced to retire because of a medical report.

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Cuba’s Days Girls and their Big Dreams

Twenty-year old twins Dayrelis and Daynelis Fabelo Nunez have been interested in the world of music ever since they were little girls and now they dabble in singing as well as modeling. In the Artemisa and Havana provinces, they have performed on different stages singing pop music, salsa, and boleros. Living outside of the capital hasn’t dampened their dreams.

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Alex, an Ordinary Cuban Turned Artist

Thirty-four year old Alex Aparicio Gutierrez lives in San Cristobal, in the western Cuban province of Artemisa. Without having any formal education in drawing, he creates an inspiring and sincere reality in his work. (16 photos)

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The Cuban Miracle Girl

Everybody knows who she is in Cuba’s western Artemisa province as well as in Pinar del Rio. Sulay Enamorado Izaguirre is 36 years old, but when she was just four, she fell down a well that was 300 feet deep and less than two feet in diameter.

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Confessions of a Cuban Living with HIV

Onin Reyes was diagnosed with HIV six years ago and he doesn’t lose hope that a cure will be discovered for his illness. “I never found out who it was that infected me, I am very aware of the fact the responsibility was mine alone, I should have had protected sex and I didn’t.”

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A Sensitive Cuban Woman who Loves the Earth

Tania Reyes Ferro, a 45 year old Cuban lady, is one of the few women who is in charge of an urban organic farm in the municipality of Candelaria. Her dedication and passion for her work give her the strength to continue on as a farmer. (14 photos)

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