Pilar Montes

Cubans with Trump on Their Mind

After Donald Trump´s unexpected victory in the US presidential elections, Cubans who were already thinking that the national outlook was looking uncertain in regard to its relationship with its powerful neighbor in the North, now seem to have reached a dead end with the president-elect.

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Cuba: The Story of Two Blockades

The amended Foreign Investment Law has created new investment opportunities this year and a more attractive landscape to do business in Cuba, if it weren’t for the embargo’s extraterritorial persecution and other domestic problems which derive from national inefficiency and structures that suffocate our productive forces…

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Cuba: Fighting for ideals, for love and for a better life too

The first reason for living, for an ideal, moves many of us who were born in Cuba or were young when the Revolution triumphed. A decade after that January 1, 1959, life began to change: our leaders got comfortable with their privilege and they didn’t lend an ear to public opinion, even though they created an office with this name.

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Energy Crisis in Cuba?

If the hypothetical rule of three is used to answer this question, shall we say, to the Venezuelan government’s financial difficulties and Cuba’s own insufficient energy resources, the economic crisis will hit Cuba suddenly and it could mean the end of its revolutionary era.

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Cuban Journalists Defend their Right to Inform

On June 28, in the middle of the Cuban Journalists Association Plenary Session, Karina Marron, the assistant director at Granma the leading government newspaper, warned those present of a social storm brewing in response to the government’s shortcomings, which doesn’t only involve oil and food shortages, as foreign media have pointed out.

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How Autism is Seen in Cuba

In 2013, Cuba had the honor of hosting the First International Forum on Autism and Inclusion, highlighting the Island’s excellent special needs education and the prestige of its specialists, however… Have the Cuban people, doctors and teachers received the necessary training in order to identify this disorder in children?

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