Author: Irina Echarry

‘Una Noche’ Gets One Night Stand in Cuba

Mulloy captured the apathy and disenchantment experienced by most teenagers on the island, which is not reflected in Cuban telenovelas. Despite being foreign, she managed to avoid most of the stereotypes that mark Cuban movies by foreign and local directors.

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Internet Access for Havana Times Writers

Havana Times has been online for nearly four years – publishing diaries, opinions, interviews, news, etc. Of the 23 HT writers, only six (26 percent) have Internet access. Many of us never get the chance to even see the site.

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Dinosaurs in Havana’s Metro Park

The life-sized electro-mechanical dinosaurs there at the Metro Park have surprised everyone who has come to see them over the past few months. As the creatures move, blink and roar, those events are recorded by the cameras of children and adults alike. (23 photos)

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Death, Sparrows, Friends… Life, Damn It

On the warm evening of July 3, a piece of news shook my daily routine. I received an email announcing the death of the youngest child of a friend. Distraught, I wanted to know more, to talk and mourn with her, or just be by her side, but the distance makes that difficult.

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About the Pap Smear Test in Cuba

Kenya said she would never undergo a Pap smear* – and that was it. Despite my curiosity as a teenager, I couldn’t imagine how to get into her mental labyrinthine to understand the reasoning behind her refusal to do something that other women in the apartment building did without the slightest protest.

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A Trip Frustrated by Intransigence

Berta has lived in Mexico for several years. From there, working hard, she has found a way to help her family. Every so often she visits her mother here in Cuba, but this last trip wound up being unforgettable.

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Leaving the Building Repairs Half-finished

Ana Rivero is demanding an answer: “The leaks haven’t been fixed. The ceilings are caving in the apartments on the upper floors.” Meanwhile another neighbor, Mary Coche, said that the paint used on the facade was off very poor quality and is already peeling.

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Spread Your Little Legs

It was 7:00 a.m. at the Maternidad Obrera Maternity Hospital, where my fear was making me sweat. The abortion wing was full of impatient women: some nervous, others extremely sure of things, but all of them hoping this would be over quickly.

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Sacred Hours: Soap Operas in Cuba

Methodically and always overcoming any obstacles to her ritual, every evening — precisely at 6:30 p.m. — Graciela turns on her Chinese Panda-brand TV (earned through great sacrifice at her workplace) and doesn’t turn if off until the end of last telenovela.

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Permission to Leave Cuba (IV)

Before going to the Cuban Immigration Office to request her Exit Permit (the famous “Tarjeta Blanca,” or white card), my friend called one of those consumer information numbers.

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