Author: Yanelys Nuñez

The Amazing Farm of Ariel Ruiz Urquiola Progresses

I didn’t know Ariel the farmer. Ariel the grower of coffee, sugar cane and fruit trees. The Ariel who doesn’t frown for a single second when looking after the large variety of animals on his farm. I didn’t know the Ariel who lives up on the magical mountain.
But, I was recently able to accompany him…

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Back in a Cell Again

Some people would think that we should be used to it by now. How many times have you read on social media or digital magazines about the arrests of Luis Manuel, Amaury, Iris, Lia, Adonis, Soandry, Michel, Yasser, to name a few artists and producers, in less than two years?

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Trolls on our Tail

In order to place this figure within Cuban reality, it’s worth saying that trolls on the island are just Ministry of Interior employees (because I don’t believe that anyone in their right mind would spend their time and money harassing others out of amusement when Internet is so expensive here in Cuba), and therefore their work takes on a completely political nature.

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Cuban Artists against Law 349 Sign New Manifesto

Aside from being a new project, writing up the “San Isidro Manifesto” against Law 349 has allowed us to see ourselves as a movement. It has given us a space to discuss our interests, and to establish a consensus about our aesthetic and political stance.

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The Alternative Havana Biennial Concludes

The #00 Havana Biennial took place, and I can now finally say that out loud, without any hesitation or doubt. In spite of seizures, threats, suspicions, arbitrary arrests, we managed to put on the event we wanted to, or better yet, the event we needed. (8 photos)

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