“Sculptures & Monuments” Category – Finalists of the 11th HT Photo Contest
In the category “Sculptures & Monuments”, of the initial 54 photos submitted we are down to 7 for the final round of judging.(7 photos)
In the category “Sculptures & Monuments”, of the initial 54 photos submitted we are down to 7 for the final round of judging.(7 photos)
In the category “Tourism World”, of the initial 66 photos submitted we are down to 9 for the final round of judging. (9 photos)
The jury is currently reviewing the pictures remaining in this fourth and final round of selection of our 11th HT Photo Contest. (67 photos)
December 4th marks the religious celebration of Saint Barbara, in the Catholic Church, Shango in religious syncretism. This is how it was this year. (15 photos)
A city I walk through day after day… Here are some of the images that I carry with me, this is my Havana. (10 photos)
Celebrations to commemorate the anniversary of Guantanamo being granted “City” status, kicked off December 1st in Cuba’s youngest city. (18 photos)
Humans always had an intuition about the inventions of the future, Leonardo da Vinci is the first name that pops into our heads. (25 photos)
The judging of our 11th Photo Contest is underway. Here are the first cut survivors in the category of “Life in Cuba”. (14 sets of photos)
The judging of our 11th Photo Contest is underway. Here are the first cut survivors in the category of Sculptures and Monuments. (21 photos)
The judging of our 11th Photo Contest is underway. Here are the first cut survivors in the category of “Tourism World”. (29 photos)