Photo Feature

Havana Celebrates a Saint Close to People’s Hearts

Every year, on December 17th, many people walk from Santiago de Las Vegas, through almost four towns to reach Rincon, where you can find the Church that houses the image of Saint Lazarus, attributed with miracles relating to physical health and wellbeing. He is the wonder-working Saint, said to fulfil promises to alleviate people’s pain, save lives or cure a disease. (35 photos)

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Danger Along the Havana Malecon Seawall

On Friday morning there were strong sea swells on the north coast of Havana, bringing danger to the inhabitants in front of the Havana Malecon seawall. The bad conditions of the buildings, the low-lying streets and the lack of action of the authorities cause the inhabitants of these places to lose their belongings. (9 photos)

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Year End Preparations in Guantanamo, Cuba

The December celebrations are nearly upon us and the advent of another new year full of goals and challenges. Guantanamo residents, like most Cubans around the island, are doing what they can to insure the pig to roast and paint their houses to look more beautiful. (14 photos)

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Cuba’s Pilgrimage of Saint Lazarus in Pictures

The return to the town of El Rincon in search of the National Sanctuary dedicated to San Lazaro, makes December 17th a very busy day in the community located on the outskirts of Havana. The scenes are repeated every year on the path that leads to the gates of the sacred site. (15 photos)

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We Visit Havana’s Emblematic October 10th Avenue & Environs

The 10th of October Ave. in Havana, formerly known as Jesus del Monte, is a busy street, located in one of the most densely populated municipalities of the capital. Little is left of the splendor of before, there are ruins and potholes that reveal the abandonment, however, Cubans continue to love her. (26 photos)

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The 10th Havana Times Cuba Photo Contest Winners

The 20-member jury has given its verdict and it’s time to bring you the winners and special mentions of our 10th Anniversary Havana Times Cuba Photo Contest. Interestingly in the final round, all of the 60 photos still in competition received at least 8 points in our system of giving 10, 5, 3, 1 points to first, second, third and fourth places.

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Profiles from Guantanamo, Cuba

Today we bring our readers a selection of profiles taken in the far eastern city of Guantanamo, not to be confused with Guantanamo Bay where a US Naval Base continues to be located on occupied Cuban territory. (10 photos)

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Havana Times 2018 Cuba Photo Contest Finalists

The 20 jury members of the 10th Havana Times Photo Contest have begun going over the finalist pictures to pick the winners and special mentions for this year. Of the 962 photos from 109 participants that we started with, there are now 60 pictures in the finals with 30 photographers having at least one photo still in the competition. (61 photos)

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Hopes, Art & Tension at the US Border in Tijuana

Tensions are high at the migrant camp at the Benito Juarez sports complex in Tijuana, Mexico. As the caravan numbers have swelled to over 5,000, and the mayor of Tijuana has declared a humanitarian crisis, the mood in the camp has changed dramatically. There is a deep sense by those observing the situation that this is a powder keg. (22 photos)

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The Tijuana Migrant Camp Reaches Capacity, What’s Next?

Marisol, a young Honduran woman who had just arrived via Mexicali, showed me her orange wrist band. She pointed to a number. “This number means I cannot go inside of the camp to sleep.” But she and her three friends hang their wool blanket between the fence and two trees with big smiles. They had arrived.

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